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From the Artist May 1999
SketchCons Volume 1 by Corey Marion
Are these Copland? Not exactly. They are more of an anti-copland expression. A little something to test the boundaries of iconism. They began as a few icons from a defunct web site design. I wanted something with a hand drawn quality and a bit of an attitude. Several iterations of said website later I found these little jewels on a project backup and decided to try them as icons. I think they have a lot of personality and are useful for the desktop of the web.
This is the premier set of a (hopefully) long line of collections in this style. They are crafted in Freehand, tweaked in Photoshop and mastered with IconBuilder (go get it now!).
Legality These icons and the images represented by these icons are Copyright ©1999 The Iconfactory. The icons contained in this set are intended for personal desktop use ONLY. They may not be disassembled, reverse-engineered or otherwise modified, in part or in whole except for personal desktop use. This includes conversion into other graphic formats such as JPEG, PNG, etc.. These icons MAY NOT BE REDISTRIBUTED, SOLD OR EXCHANGED FOR ANY GOODS OR SERVICES WHATSOEVER. In addition, the read-me file must accompany the set at all times. By downloading this file you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of use.
Copyright © 1999 The Iconfactory, All Rights Reserved.